10 Reasons Why Tampa Residents Are Going Solar Today

There’s been a drastic rise in Tampa residents installing solar panels in recent years. With Tampa ranked 29th out of the 70 major U.S. cities for solar energy capacity, it’s no surprise. Here’s why people are now taking advantage of the 244 days of sun we get in Tampa every year: To Avoid Rising Utility […]
Solar Loan Rates in Tampa Are Going Up Oct 2nd 2022

Solar loan rates in Tampa are set to go up from October 2022 due to an increase in Federal Reserve interest rates. However, Florida Solar Power will honor current pricing for any projects that have been pre-qualified by October 2, at 8:59 p.m. PT. Act now to lock in your APR @ 1.49% before it’s […]
TECO Electricity Rates Increase! Customers Will Pay More for 3 Years

TECO electricity rates will see customers forced to pay more over the next three years after the Florida Public Service Commission gave the green light to increase them. The deal is supposedly designed to boost solar energy development and help Tampa Electric move away from its reliance on coal power plants. But guess who’s paying […]
TECO Is Going Solar, But You’re Paying the Bill!

Tampa Bay Electric Co.’s customers are set to see painful rate hikes over the next year, as the company covers its costs for investing in solar. In a recent notice to regulators, the Hillsborough County power company stated its plans to charge customers between $280 and $295 million from 2022. Tampa Bay Electric Co. Continues […]