Coronavirus Is an Alarm Bell for Investing in Solar Power in Florida

Coronavirus Is an Alarm Bell for Investing in Solar Power in Florida

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The Coronavirus’ devastating effects on everyday life is an alarming bell that now is the time to invest in solar power installation in Florida. As the world heads for a recession and apocalyptic fears rise, being able to live independently could see solar owners benefit both with security and their finances. Here are some key reasons why COVID-19 is the ideal time for solar investment.

Live off the Grid with Your Own Power

Living off the grid with your own power could prove vital in the near future. The Coronavirus hitting Florida is a warning sign that apocalyptic events are real and can destroy the economy, the nation’s infrastructure and the energy grid.

Nobody knows where this pandemic is heading. It isn’t even close to its peak yet and we don’t know how the system will cope. By installing solar power in Florida, you can protect your family from economic collapses and other events caused by the coronavirus.

Make Your Home a Shelter From The Coronavirus

Just turn on the news and you can see Floridians are starting to panic (perhaps justifiably) with stockpiling. People go rabid during these times. COVID-19 may spread to the majority of the population and if you or your family members are vulnerable to the virus, then you need to ensure you can be truly isolated. Solar power allows you to do just that, with battery storage systems and off-grid set-ups ensuring you can stay away from work without paying energy bills. Now is the time to make your home an independent shelter for generations to come.

Note: Florida Solar power installation during the Coronavirus does not require you to get within close distance of the installation team. Florida Solar power installation companies can work on your roof, talk to you virtually and keep you safe and isolated at all times if needed.

Fossil Fuel Could Collapse or Cause Price Surge

The Coronavirus is a global pandemic. It’s brought airline companies to their knees, slashed CO2 levels and halted transport across the globe. The fossil fuel industry is looking over its shoulder more than ever before. It is not hyperbole to say it could collapse if the virus’ effects snowball. The New York Times said, “The oil and gas industry is already seeing reductions in shipments from China and not enough pipe is being shipped or other raw materials used for drilling and construction. This is resulting in a slow down of oil and gas projects. So oil and gas will not be a better alternative to solar in the interim of the virus outbreak.”

If the cost of fossil fuels rises, then energy companies could be forced to raise prices – or fail to provide the energy needed for the demand. In this scenario, it’s the solar power owners who will be safe with their lights on and money in their pockets.

Save and Make Money During Quarantine

Experts are saying a U.S. lockdown and quarantine could be inevitable. It’s already the case in European countries like France and Italy. Whether you’re forced to stay home or choose to self-isolate, you’re going to be using a lot more electricity. Florida solar power owners will benefit thanks to the huge savings that can be made each month and the excellent solar benefit of making money when you share energy with the grid.

2020 Is the Last Chance for 26% Tax Credits Savings

While you’re locked at home isolating from Corona, you can save 26% on solar costs. But that’s just in 2020. If you wait until 2022, it will drop to 0% tax credit savings. 2020 is the last chance to make these levels of savings. Don’t miss out.

Climate Crisis Will Be Taken Seriously and Prices Will Rise

COVID-19 might have stolen the headlines from the climate emergency, but those terrifying dangers won’t go away without green energy. The coronavirus will make everyone from politicians to the population truly aware of how fragile society and the economy is. It’s a reality check. They’ll have to plan for the climate crisis and that may mean a surge in solar power installations in Florida. It’s even being suggested that Solar power might be used to help propel the economy back on to its feet. That’s likely to mean higher prices. Act now to take advantage of the currently healthy Florida solar power installation rates.

Support Local Businesses During Coronavirus

With self-isolating and restricted travel, local businesses are taking the hit. That includes the solar industry. They need your support more than ever now. Not in a year or two, but now while demands are low. Supporting local businesses has a knock-on effect on the community, as the money spreads around to other local industries. There are also a bunch of reasons why you should use local experienced Florida solar providers over big companies.

Fears Over Rising Solar Prices in Late 2020/2021

Global forecasts for 2020 already suggest that the demand for photovoltaic solar panels in 2020 will be in the range of 108 to 143 gigawatts, a reduction from that of 121 to 152 gigawatts forecast earlier in the year. That’s because China is a critical supplier of solar components. With China battling off COVID-19, there is a fear that the prices will rise over the year due to the lack of parts. That means now is THE perfect time to invest in Solar power installation in Florida. If you wait, you could end up paying far more. We advise you not to take that risk. Cash in on the current healthy market prices and the 2020 tax credits savings!

Finding the Best Florida Solar Installation Company Near Me

If you want to protect your family and your home from the potential system collapse caused by the Coronavirus, then contact us today. The number one regret that solar owners have is that they didn’t do it sooner. Now is the ideal time to invest. 2020 tax credits. A healthy market and an industry that has not yet felt the effects of the coronavirus.

Contact Florida Power Services “The Solar Power Company” today to get started on your Florida solar power installation, to receive expert advice on off-grid energy, financing and how we can make your home a clean energy home of the future. Protect your home now before it’s too late!

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How Much Can
Solar Save?

Over the last few years utility rates have skyrocketed more than 23.5%. Solar is up to 187% cheaper than purchasing power from the utility company! By going solar you can actually make money instead of throwing it away. The higher the utility bill the more money your solar earns.

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