Join the 'Save Our Solar' Rally in Tallahassee! - On Feb 8th

Join the ‘Save Our Solar’ Rally in Tallahassee! – On Feb 8th

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Calling all Florida solar customers, installers, employees and clean energy supporters – join us at the ‘Save our Solar’ rally at the Capitol, Tallahassee on February 8th!

Can’t make it? Join in virtually to get your voice heard and SAVE our Solar!

What Is the ‘Save Our Solar’ Rally?

Organized by Florida Solar Energy Industries Association (FLASEIA), we’ll be amongst a crowd of hundreds of people who will peacefully rally and protest against the radical changes that are set to destroy the Florida solar industry.

Attending this rally will demonstrate to legislators how much we all care about saving Florida solar!

It’s time to let legislators know that the people of Florida are not in support of the utility power grab in Florida.

Net metering is on the chopping block and so is every Florida resident’s right to free, self-producing energy.

It’s simple: solar should be for all! Don’t let legislators take it away!

When and Where Is the ‘Save Our Solar’ Rally?

What to Wear and Bring:

  • Wear YELLOW.
  • Comfortable shoes that are suitable for standing and walking for an hour.
  • Bring a sign to wave and make ourselves seen.
  • Signs can be printed here and here.


  • There are various parking options near the Capitol.
  • Here’s a google map with recommendations for free or paid parking.
  • Donald L. Tucker Civic Center: FREE parking for cars, larger vehicles and charter buses. It should take 10-15 minutes to walk from here to the rally meeting point. Enter the Tucker Center Main Lot.
  • Kleman Plaza Parking Garage: PAID. Entrance off of Duval Street and W Jefferson Street
  • Duval Street Parking Lot: PAID via Meter or Parking App
  • Handicap Drop-off at Florida State Capitol: Entrance at East Jefferson Street after Adams Street

Questions and Support:

If you have any other questions or need any assistance, Solar Neighbors United has provided their email –

Here’s What We’re Rallying For:

  • To save net metering from being removed!
  • To keep solar an economically viable and accessible option for ALL Florida residents and businesses.
  • To lower electricity bills for Floridians.
  • To protect the investments of around 100,000 Florida solar users.
  • To protect the Florida solar industry from being sent back 10 years.
  • To protect 40,000 solar industry jobs that are at risk from the bill!
  • To protect our state’s great head start on the clean energy transition that the world is heading towards in the face of the climate crisis.

What Is the New Florida Solar Bill?

Senate Bill 1024 & House Bill 741 seeks to add significant and unnecessary costs for all Florida solar users.

The bill plans to eliminate net-metering as it is now, as a power grab by Florida utilities.

Net-metering is a system where solar rooftop owners can sell their excess solar energy back to the utility at the full retail electricity rate. This system makes solar in Florida possible for all and doesn’t cost the utilities anything.

The bill will stop that and instead penalize solar users due to nonsense claims that solar users are unfairly passing the electricity costs to non-solar users.

Florida’s Largest Utility Conspired!

This bill is indisputably the work of Florida’s largest utility ‘Florida Power & Light’, who conspired against Florida solar!

Tampa Bay Times reported that documents showed Florida Power & Light asked Sen. Jenniffer Bradly to sponsor its proposed legislation! With a $10,000 contribution to Sen. Bradley’s political committee, she quickly filed the bill.

Now, we the people, need to show that our voices matter as much as money in their wallets!

Studies Show Net Metering Is Not to Blame

Supporters of the bill say that solar will cost them hundreds of millions of dollars in the next few years, due to net metering.

Sixteen state-level studies and a national study have proven these claims wrong.

The truth, of course, is that utilities are greedy and scared that solar is on the rise. They can’t stand to see the industry rise.

Rally to Protect Florida’s Green Future!

The climate crisis is here and only getting worse. It won’t go away! We must stand up for our future.

  • In Florida, our industry is head and shoulders above most of the country.
  • Florida has the second-largest solar workforce in the U.S, with over 40,000 jobs!
  • Florida is ranked 3rd amongst U.S. states for solar capacity installed!

In the coming years and decades, the country will need to ramp up its clean energy production to meet Paris Climate Agreement requirements.

Here in Florida, we’ll have the head start – giving Florida the chance to rocket forward economically and protect ourselves with sensible energy rates and clean air. Everyone else will be playing catch-up.

But only IF this bill is torn-up and forgotten about! If this bill passes, everything we’ve worked for and made progress on will be dragged back a decade. We will lose this incredible head-start we’ve got. And for what? Greed.

Other Ways to Help Save Florida Solar:

Aside from attending the ‘Save Our Solar’ rally on Feb 8th, you also can do the following things:

Contact Legislators

Donate To The Florida Net Metering Defense Fund

The Florida Solar Energy Industries Association needs donations to save Florida solar through its Political Action Committee (PAC).

Any donations can help fund their work with state policymakers to protect Floridian’s solar rights and the growth of the solar industry.

Donate here.

Get Grandfathered In Before July!

If this bill does pass, then only those who have been grandfathered in under the existing net metering agreement will be safe from unnecessary costs. You must be grandfathered in by July 1st, 2022.

If you’re interested in any solar installation or have any questions, then contact us today!

Florida Power Services “The Solar Power Company” is the Sunshine’s states leading solar power installer and would love to help you save thousands of dollars in 2022, through solar tax credits, high-quality designs and financing

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